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Lead Positive – May 4 – 6, 2016

05/04/2016 - 05/06/2016 8:30 AM CT - 6:00 PM CT The Cramer Institute, St. Louis

Based on the 2014 release ranked as an Inc. magazine Top 10 business book:

LEAD POSITIVE: What Highly Effective Leaders See, Say and Do – Kathy Cramer, Ph.D. (jossey-Bass, March 2014)

This program will include individuals from a wide range of companies, organizations, not-for-profits and educational settings. The opportunity to interact and think with leaders from this diversity of organizational settings provides participants with a rich action learning experience.

Leaders Learn to Soar

Imagine having unshakeable self-confidence, unwavering optimism and exceptional personal magnetism. Imagine leadership Olympics where you participate at the upper limit of your potential, proving yourself strong and courageous.

That’s what happens with Asset-Based Thinking®. In this leadership program hosted by The Cramer Institute, leaders learn how to “Think about thinking.” By shifting perception, they learn what’s positive and strong in themselves, in others, and in every situation. It’s a game-changer for individuals and organizations.

Leaders Learn Mastery

What if you were able to powerfully motivate others to embrace and even drive change? What if you knew how to create a highly engaged culture? Imagine making inspiring presentations – the kind people continue to talk about– or, being more skillful at fostering top performing teams. Lead Positive can give you these skills and more.

Learning to soar and gaining mastery of leadership skills is what it takes to make positive change and push the boundaries of what’s next for you and your organization.

The Program

This program includes a pre-session orientation conversation, the three-day action-learning workshop, and a post-session strategy conversation.

Day 1 – Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Shift What You See:  Shifting perspective from the negative side of the ledger to the positive side creates a positive chain reaction. On this day you will learn concrete strategies for focusing positive mental attention on:

  • What worked and what can be learned from the past
  • What is working, strong, and valuable in the present
  • What is possible and “ready to happen” in the future

Day 2 – Thursday, May 5, 2016

Shift What You Say:  Connecting what you say to the positive evidence you see is the basis for inspiring high-impact communication. On this day you will learn how to speak with:

  • Substance – by framing a positive interpretation of “reality”
  • Sizzle – by using your voice and your stories to engage people’s emotions
  • Soul – by revealing who you are and why your message is important

Day 3 – Friday, May 6, 2016

Leaders build self-confidence and inspire allegiance by acting intentionally in key, defining moments. By identifying and assessing the behaviors that have helped you creeate success in the pasat, you become familiar with your own personal “dos” for effective leadership. The more aware you are of what you do best, the more you can leverage those behaviors. On this day you will learn how to use the positive trajectory of what you see and say in order to:

  • Respond positively and intentionally to high-stress, high-alert situations
  • Be confident, curious and courageous in all that you do
  • Make key moments matter

Program Hours

We understand it is challenging for leaders to spend three full days away from the office. Therefore, we have allowed some time on days one and three or office time:

Day 1 – 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Day 2 – 8:3o a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Day 3 – 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Leadership Development Sessions

Five to seven customized one-on-one coaching sessions are highly recommended for participants to help reinforce the applications of Lead Positive.

*Talk with us about adding coaching onto your group program as part of your enrollment process.


Participation in the group program:  $5,000.00

*Discounts are available for two or more participants and for not-for-profit groups. Ask us for details.