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Asset-Based Thinking® Fundamentals

With Asset-Based Thinking®, you shine the spotlight of your attention on what is strong, valuable, and possible in yourself, other people, and any situation so you can become proactive, resilient, optimistic and confident.

“I want people to know that when they become an Asset-Based Thinker they can drive positive change in their organization, even in their home life – that people they work with will become more engaged, more attracted to working with them – and we can all get more done, go farther faster, and that is really what work is all about today."
We have the right solution for you.

Asset-Based Thinking® Services

Asset-Based Thinking® services are about making positive shifts in the way you see yourself, other people and every situation so that you can achieve remarkable results.

Change the Way You See Everything: Through Asset-Based Thinking®

This positive mindset management program enables you and your team to achieve and sustain the confidence, optimism, and resilience necessary for staying on top in your industry. You will leave this one-of-a-kind workshop experience knowing how to:

• Zero in on your strengths more than your weaknesses
• Focus on opportunities rather than problems
• See what can be done instead of what can’t
• Communicate to foster, not splinter, relationships

Beyond Employee Engagement: Creating a Passionate Workforce with Asset-Based Thinking®

Are your employees more harried and reactive than confident and creative? Do they have the right ideas, the right desire, and the right skills but get sabotaged by worry, disappointments, perfectionism, and the very human tendency to dwell on deficits?

This Asset-Based Thinking® (ABT) program provides you with straightforward, tangible ways to propel individual assets and positive energy into “workforce passion” so that employee engagement, productivity and customer service thrive.

Courageous Conversations®

Identify and manage barriers to individual and organizational success. Learn the essential steps that facilitate open communication about difficult subjects. Create conditions for better decision-making, collaborative teamwork and corporate cultures strengthened from the core. The Courageous Conversation steps are:

1. Reframe
2. Tell the truth fast
3. Understand
4. What do we each want
5. Find common ground

Custom Workshops

True mastery is shown by the outcomes you achieve, and the methods you use to get there. Begin by identifying outcomes and you’ll create a “True North” for our customized workshops. You can then achieve your objective using the strategies and tools provided by our immersive, experiential, high-impact workshops. Our outcome-based workshops can be tailored for organizations, teams, and groups of all sizes.


Action Coaching

A comprehensive yet concise approach to help leaders launch important initiatives. In this five-step coaching process, leaders learn how to leverage their unique suite of skills (Signature Presence) as well as create stakeholder enrollment and engagement.

Ready for What’s Next

Uncover the next phase of your professional and personal life through a guided, inward adventure. Explore new possibilities. Renew and re-invent your life by giving yourself the gifts of reflection, discovery and the capacity to create the future you truly desire. The best is next.

Change the Way You See Everything: Through Asset-Based Thinking®

“When you change the way you see things, the things you see change.” That’s the fundamental concept behind Asset-Based Thinking® (ABT), the unique intel developed by Dr. Kathy Cramer and her colleagues at The Cramer Institute, which equips you with concrete methods to change your perceptions … and your reality. This powerful keynote harnesses the core message of Dr. Cramer’s best-selling book, Change the Way You See Everything, which introduced ABT to the world. Dr. Cramer will demonstrate how you can learn and use this revolutionary mindset management process for greater success and fulfillment in your professional and personal life.

Change the Way You See Yourself for Teens

Conventional wisdom has us believe that being a leader, making a difference and creating change requires the wisdom of years, the passage of time, and life stage experiences. Not necessarily. Armed with Asset-Based Thinking® (ABT), today’s youth are ready, right now, to unleash their potential to think big, step into important roles of leadership and step out into their world as never before. With ABT, teens can live bigger and better lives by seeing themselves through the lens of upside factors that can make the most of the promise and potential that is uniquely theirs.

Get Started Exploring Asset-Based Thinking®

The Cramer Institute

The Cramer Institute is a team of highly experienced professionals in leadership consulting and development, each with a passion for awakening individuals to reach their highest potential. We work with executives, managers, teams and entire organizations to transform the way they think, communicate and work, yielding improvements in collaboration, productivity, innovation and customer loyalty.