About Asset-Based Thinking®
Welcome to the source of Asset-Based Thinking® (ABT), a revolutionary and refreshingly simple mindset management process proved to promote greater resilience, optimism and confidence. Pioneered by psychologist Dr. Kathy Cramer, best-selling author, speaker and founder of The Cramer Institute, ABT is at the center of a worldwide movement, showing hundreds of thousands of people how to make small shifts in perception and thinking. These shifts, have, in turn, led to positive, transformational change in their businesses, their lives and the lives of those they touch. Says one professional development manager: “Asset-Based Thinking is about knowing that future outcomes are not determined by today’s realities.” As Dr. Cramer herself says, “When you change the way you see things, the things you see change.”
Asset-Based Thinking® Materials
Dr. Kathy Cramer applies her mindset management process to enhance people’s work and personal lives through books, keynotes, signature services, workshops and more.

Meet Kathy's Collaborator, Hank
Hank Wasiak, a communications industry leader with an impressive resume of work experience with the corporate elite of global business, teamed up with Dr. Kathy Cramer to create the innovative and powerful business self-help book series “Change The Way You See Everything,” based on Asset-Based Thinking®. He is the co-founder of The Concept Farm, one of today’s hottest creative firms, is a best selling author, a keynote speaker, a teacher, a 14-time Emmy-nominated executive television producer, and a three-time Emmy award winning television host. Currently Hank is an adjunct professor at USC’s Marshall School of Business.
Asset-Based Thinking® Videos
Dr. Kathy Cramer speaks with Jim Canfield about the concept of the Change The Way You See Everything book series and reveals specific insights into Change The Way You See Yourself.

Asset-Based Thinking® Book Series
Everyday we’re bombarded with negative news. It’s easy to become preoccupied with problems and focus on what’s wrong and missing in our life. This kind of Deficit-Based Thinking can, over time, drain the life out of anyone. Now imagine if you focused on what’s right in this world instead, harnessed your strengths rather than letting weaknesses debilitate you, and highlighted opportunities rather than problems. Asset-Based Thinking, as introduced in the “Change the Way You See Everything” can make all the difference in how you see the world. The second book in the series, “Change The Way You See Yourself” takes the ABT principles one step further and explains how it can alter your view of yourself by unleashing your own power, expanding your circle of influence, and increasing your personal impact on the world.
Asset-Based Thinking Fundamentals Services
Asset-Based Thinking® services are about making positive shifts in the way you see yourself, other people and every situation so that you can achieve remarkable results.