Say “YES” to your epic adventure …
“As a leadership consultant, I believe leaders must be willing to embark on heroic levels of adventure if they are to make significant positive change in an upside-down world that demands organizational transformation, innovation and culture change. Within this ebook, I explain how the Heroic Journey for leaders can play out in business and professional life.” — Dr. Kathy Cramer

Lead Positive: What Highly Effective Leaders See, Say, and Do
The groundbreaking best-seller catching fire with leaders globally, launching them on heroic journeys. The book is packed with practical, actionable techniques for helping leaders reach new heights of effectiveness in managing change, identifying moonshots and inspiring teams.
Read MoreReviews of the book have been spectacular:
“Brilliant! In Lead Positive®, Cramer has captured the secret to great leadership: the actions and words, based on positive thinking and integrity, that bring out the best in everyone around us. Instead of process and strategies, she shines the spotlight on what we can do and say to engage and create a truly cohesive workforce that is up to any challenge.”
— Marshall Goldsmith, author, New York Times bestsellers MOJO and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
“Lead Positive® gives leaders a playbook for how to be courageous, resilient, and optimistic as they spearhead positive change.”
— John C. Maxwell, bestselling author and speaker
“Lead Positive® takes you on a transformative journey from problem to possibility and from fear to success. Read this book if you want to transform your thinking, transform your leadership, and transform your life!”
— Kevin Cashman, senior partner, CEO & Executive Development, Korn/Ferry International, and author, Leadership from the Inside Out and The Pause Principle
“Don’t be fooled by the title — Cramer’s book is not some Kumbaya leadership treatise. Lead Positive® is a brilliant manifesto for how readers can reframe their thinking, messaging, and behavior to be more effective at motivating and inspiring the people they lead.”
— Michael Feiner, former Chief People Officer of PepsiCo; professor, Columbia University School of Business; and author, The Feiner Points of Leadership

Change The Way You See Everything
“Change the Way You See Everything” introduced to the world Asset-Based Thinking, which demonstrates how simple mind shifts can make all the difference in how you see the world — and in doing so, change reality.
Read MoreIts transformational lessons conveyed through unique photographic metaphors and inspiring stories from real people reveal how the slightest shift in perception can lead to monumental results in both business and in life.
Change the Way You See Everything is a revolutionary approach to every aspect of life that bears not just reading, but re-reading, and sharing with people in your circle. You’ll never look at the world the same way again.

Change The Way You See Yourself
“Change The Way You See Yourself” takes ABT one step further and explains how it can alter your view of yourself by unleashing your own power, expanding your circle of influence, and increasing your personal impact on the world.

Change The Way You See Everything For Teens
“Change The Way You See Everything For Teens” helps teens find the strength they need to create positive change in the world around them. It also aids parents of teens and teachers who want to help their kids get past the stress and anxiety filled years of adolescence.
Read MoreCombining fun photography taken by kids with easy-to-grasp principles in an interactive format, Change The Way You See Everything For Teens helps even the most stubborn teens begin to see relationships and responsibility in an entirely new way. This book is perfect for the classroom and comes with additional activities and online resources created for student use with teacher guidance.

Change The Way You See Innovation: Through Asset-Based Thinking
“Change the Way You See Innovation: Through Asset-Based Thinking” (with Eve Enslow and Michael Foster) examines the positive innovation companies crave. And need. In this engaging, motivational and practical book, the authors show how Asset-Based Thinking accelerates innovators.

The Coach’s Guide To Asset-Based Thinking
“The Coach’s Guide To Asset-Based Thinking” (with Peggy Guest, Ph.D., and Sara Orem, Ph.D.) offers a very special coaching experience that will cascade to other parts of life. Asset-Based Thinking is contagious. Coaches guide those under their tutelage to performance excellence and greater life satisfaction. When coaches use this manual with their clients, they find that they too are transformed. The more clearly people see their own assets and talents and those of others, the more they attract others to see their own worlds with similar curiosity, optimism and hope.

When Faster Harder Smarter Is Not Enough
This book is about tapping into your creativity to transform your life. Through case studies it reveals a remarkable, consistent process available to everyone that channels the inner strength and creativity needed to achieve long-term fulfillment while capitalizing on the demands, challenges, and debacles each day brings.
Read MoreKathy’s method allows us to transform everyday pressures and problems into opportunities for creativity, passion, and purpose. This is a must-read for colleagues who are not only challenged to the hilt, but also frantic, stretched and chased in the face of our turbulent industry.
When Faster, Harder, Smarter Is Not Enough offers effective coaching on how to stop talking about the chaos and stress and how to do something effective about it.