Asset-Based Thinking®
A revolutionary mindset management process.
The Cramer Institute Services
Explore Asset-Based® Thinking
Dr. Kathy Cramer explains Asset-Based Thinking® and why positive shifts in the way you see yourself and others will result in remarkable outcomes in every situation.
Explore Asset-Based® Thinking
Dr. Kathy Cramer explains Asset-Based Thinking® and why positive shifts in the way you see yourself and others will result in remarkable outcomes in every situation.
Learn to Lead Positive®
Dr. Kathy Cramer explains how leaders can reach and perform at their highest potential, how to inspire others and take a more courageous path to reaching goals.
Learn to Lead Positive®
Dr. Kathy Cramer explains how leaders can reach and perform at their highest potential, how to inspire others and take a more courageous path to reaching goals.
Become a Certified Trainer
Dr. Kathy Cramer reveals her insight into developing leaders and their teams using Asset-Based Thinking® and Lead Positive® strategies and tools.
Become a Certified Trainer
Dr. Kathy Cramer reveals her insight into developing leaders and their teams using Asset-Based Thinking® and Lead Positive® strategies and tools.

Start your leaders on a heroic journey.
The Leader’s Heroic Journey Experience is a transformative program that engages your leaders to identify their personal goals and chart a path to victory — ultimately impacting the organizations’ bottom line.
The Books at the Center of a Movement.
Lead Posititive: What Highly Effective Leaders See, Say and Do, by Dr. Kathy Cramer, is the ground-breaking best-seller catching fire with leaders globally. The book is packed with practical, actionable techniques for helping leaders reach new heights of effectiveness in managing change, identifying moonshots and inspiring teams.
Read more about this book and see some of the spectacular reviews it has received, on our Books Page.