As we begin to close out the year, I’m taking the time to scan, snap, savor all that my team and I have been able to accomplish over the past year: publishing Lead Positive: What Highly Effective Leaders See, Say, and Do, launching my new website and blog, and most recently, working with an amazing team of positive thinkers on what’s in store for 2015.
One of the things I’m most proud of this year is the Lead Positive blog, which has helped me connect with you on a weekly basis to spread the message of Asset-Based Thinking and the power of Lead Positive.
Below are my top 5 posts on using ABT to shift your mindset toward the positive. If you haven’t read them yet, take a moment to click on the ones that resonate. If you have read them already, now’s a great time to read them again and reflect on the progress you’ve made over the year!
Energetic Pauses: How a Focus on the Present Relieves Stress and Increases Productivity
top-quality thinking doesn’t happen unless you give yourself the time and space to reflect
Are You A Reactive or Responsive Leader?
channel your adrenaline positively toward high energy
What is Your Signature Leadership Presence?
grow your awareness of who you are when you are leading effectively
Your Greatest Weapon Against Stress
“The greatest weapon against stress is the ability to choose one thought over another.” – Arianna Huffington
Magnifying what is best: The ABT Leadership Advantage
you will be a better leader and a better team player if you are confident of who you are and what you have to offer