My Thanksgiving Wish for You
This is my first time posting so let me introduce myself. I’m John Davis, Managing Partner of The Cramer Institute and Kathy’s husband — now widower. This is also the first time I have ever spent Thanksgiving by myself — as in alone with no one else here. (Well, the puppies are here.) I am...
ReadTop 5 Ways to Lead Positive with Others
I have been spending a lot of time lately with an impressive team of strategic thinkers working on how to make the most of 2015 (more on this soon!). The sheer number of great ideas and collaborations we have come up with got me thinking about how important it is to Lead Positive in our...
ReadTop 5 Ways to Shift Your Mindset to the Positive
As we begin to close out the year, I’m taking the time to scan, snap, savor all that my team and I have been able to accomplish over the past year: publishing Lead Positive: What Highly Effective Leaders See, Say, and Do, launching my new website and blog, and most recently, working with an amazing...
ReadHappy Giving Thanks Day!
Giving thanks is a pure act with an amazing array of side benefits. Cultivating an “attitude of gratitude” has been linked to less anxiety and depression, and building multiple aspects of wellbeing from happiness to the capacity for love. Take a look at “A Serving of Gratitude May Save the Day” to see John Tierney’s...
ReadLeaders Build Trust and Stronger Relationships with Gratitude
Did you know that gratitude may be the key to happiness? Numerous studies have shown strong links between gratitude and increased positive emotions. For me, gratitude is the most rewarding of all the positive emotions because it acknowledges a major victory with humility. That makes it a key to leadership effectiveness as well. This article...