High Impact Communication part 1 of 3: Saying it with Substance

March 20, 2014 - Lead Positive

***UPDATE: Click here for posts two and three of this series. What you say has high impact when listeners:  Remember your message beyond the conversation or presentation Have a change of heart brought about by the message Take action as a result Influence others to join forces with you In Lead Positive, I talk about...


The See-Say-Do Chain Reaction

March 13, 2014 - ABT Tools & Tips, Lead Positive

The brain, it seems, does not make much of a distinction between second- and firsthand experiences. Whether you’re doing something or watching someone else do the same thing, the same neurological regions in your brain are stimulated. Interestingly, research shows that the same pattern of neurons, called mirror neurons, fires in the observer as in...


People Follow People, Not Just Great Ideas

January 30, 2014 - ABT Tools & Tips, Lead Positive

What makes Pope Francis such an inspirational leader for so many people? I believe Reverend. Robert A. Sirico got it right in his recent opinion piece for The Detroit News: “In a monumental and unanticipated way Pope Francis is changing the tired conversations of the past and inviting us to engage in a process of...
