We Do What We Are

You have probably heard that famous quote from Aristotle, “We are what we repeatedly do.” Well, I am going to take that thought and reverse it: “We do what we repeatedly are.” It is difficult, nearly impossible, to see yourself as you are. As a leader, you must be rigorously introspective, and at the same...


High Impact Communication Part 2 of 3: Saying it with Sizzle

March 27, 2014 - Lead Positive

This is the second of three posts on high-impact communication. Click here for posts one and three! The Sizzle Makes It Stick While the substance of what you say is your credibility card, it is the sizzle of your words that makes them stick. Saying it with sizzle is about using your words and your voice to...


High Impact Communication part 1 of 3: Saying it with Substance

March 20, 2014 - Lead Positive

***UPDATE: Click here for posts two and three of this series. What you say has high impact when listeners:  Remember your message beyond the conversation or presentation Have a change of heart brought about by the message Take action as a result Influence others to join forces with you In Lead Positive, I talk about...


Are You A Reactive or Responsive Leader?

Highly effective leaders tend to be highly responsive leaders. In psychological terms, being responsive involves thoughtfully and intentionally adapting your behavior to the current circumstance. It entails first taking the time to calmly digest what is happening. In contrast, being reactive means to go straight into high-alert stress mode. Your brain automatically processes the problem...


How Your Mind Sculpts Your Brain

February 6, 2014 - ABT Tools & Tips, Lead Positive

Did you know that every time you intentionally shine the spotlight on the positive, valuable, and worthwhile you change your brain for the better? It’s true! Have you ever heard the phrase, “neurons that fire together, wire together?” Well, that is exactly what happens in your brain to strengthen the relationships between what happens in...


People Follow People, Not Just Great Ideas

January 30, 2014 - Lead Positive, ABT Tools & Tips

What makes Pope Francis such an inspirational leader for so many people? I believe Reverend. Robert A. Sirico got it right in his recent opinion piece for The Detroit News: “In a monumental and unanticipated way Pope Francis is changing the tired conversations of the past and inviting us to engage in a process of...


What is Working Here?

January 16, 2014 - ABT Tools & Tips

One of the founding principles of Asset-Based Thinking (ABT) is tuning into the best of what is happening in the moment. That way, even when you are mired in the depths of a negative situation, you are still primed to find the potential asset — it’s always there! — that you can leverage to move...
