The Call: Lead Positive The More Human Way

January 11, 2016 - Listen to Audio

Renowned leadership experts Dr. Kathy Cramer & Terry “Starbucker” St. Marie have joined forces to present a six-part series on the heroic journey that awaits leaders who boldly tackle challenges and opportunities in order to achieve greatness for their organizations.


Are you ready to answer the heroic call to great leadership?

January 11, 2016 - The Heroic Journey

Have you signed up for my Lead Positive The More Human Way webinar series with Terry “Starbucker” St. Marie yet? Better hurry, it starts back in just two weeks on January 22nd! The Heroic Leadership Journey calls upon Joseph Campbell’s narrative framework to help leaders see their paths forward and navigate the predictable (and unpredictable) head...


Lead Positive The More Human Way (Free Webinar!)

December 1, 2015 - The Heroic Journey, Lead Positive

I am so excited about my new webinar series with Terry “Starbucker” St. Marie on how to Lead Positive The More Human Way! If you don’t yet know who Terry is, you should! Terry is a writer, consultant, and startup investor living in Portland, Oregon. For the past 9 years he has published a popular blog featuring his...


Serving Yourself to Serve Others: A Heroic Leadership Journey

Today I published my Lead Positive Profile with Bonnie Marcus, women’s success coach and author of The Politics of Promotion on my Psychology Today blog. In the profile, we tracked the evolution of Bonnie’s heroic journey from kindergarten teacher, to corporate executive, to entrepreneur and successful business coach. Here are some of the most inspirational quotes from her interview....


Building Build-A-Bear: A Heroic Leadership Journey

Today I published my Lead Positive Profile with Maxine Clark, retail innovator and founder of Build-A-Bear  on my Psychology Today blog. In the profile, Maxine details her Heroic Leadership Journey*—from answering The Call to step down as President of Payless ShoeSource to facing the Supreme Ordeal that was the Great Recession. Here are some of the most inspirational quotes...
